型式邏輯簡介 Introduction to Formal Logic
- 命題邏輯 Propositional Logic
- Exercises: Tutorial1
- Exercises: N-Queen and Sudoku example code
- 一階邏輯 First Order Logic
- 習題參考解答
布林可滿足性及其應用 Boolean Satisfiability and Its Applications
- Homework: Logic Synthesis Homework [Solution]
一階邏輯可滿足性及其應用 First Order Logic Satisfiability and Its Applications
- Before class
- Exercise: SMT
- Exercise: Quantifier Elimination[Solution]
- The paper introduces quantifier elimination procedure for FOL with theory of Presburger arithmetics over rational and real numbers (the same procedure works over both domains).
- Exercises: Equality and Data Structure
- Homework: EUF, List, and Array[Solution]