Functional Programming
- Lecturer: 穆信成 Shin-Cheng Mu
Course Materials
- Exercises
- Exercise 3, with solutions.
- Exercise 4, with solutions.
- 作業請寄給助教 jaiyalas(at) ,或是當面交給助教。
Part 1. Functions, Values, and Evaluation
- Values and Evaluation
- Talking to the Interpreter
- Evaluation and Termination
- Functions
- Currying
- Sectioning
- Definitions
- Types – A Brief Start
Part 2. Induction on Datatypes
- User Defined Types
- Induction on Natural Numbers
- Datatypes, Functions, and Proofs
- What is a Proof, Anyway?
- Induction on Lists
- Append, and Some of Its Properties
- More Inductively Defined Functions
- Other Patterns of Induction
Part 3. Simple Functional Data Structures
- On Efficiency of Operations on Lists
- Batched Queue
- Binary Search Tree
Part 4. Program Calculation
- The Unfold/Fold Transformation
- Example: Sum of Squares
- Accumulating Parameters
- Fast List Reversal
- Tail Recursion and Loops
- Being Quicker by Doing More!
- Proof by Strengthening
- Tupling