本次特別講題將重返中研院資訊所講師群鑽研已久的主題「依值型別編程」(dependently typed programming),接力呈現其各個面向。
當程式員透過依值型別提供更多資訊給型別檢查器 (type-checker),後者就能反過來隨時告訴程式員當下已知與尚待滿足的條件,互動地寫出正確程式。
Formal verification, the act of reasoning about program correctness using mathematical logic, is often considered hard to conduct and labor-intensive, and thus only applicable to tiny programs or life-critical systems. However, with the advance of theory and tools, many real-world systems such as compilers and operating systems have been successfully verified over the last decade. In the first part of this talk, I will first talk about what it is to be a “correct program,” then introduce some verification techniques, and finally conclude with a simple demonstration, in which a small program will be verified. In the second part, I will share the experience of verifying a flash translation layer, a key software component in many solid-state drives. In particular, I will cover its formal specification, how we modeled the behavior of system crashes, the verification approach we used, and the challenges we met.