Instructions for the case loops_bad.c of CVE-2006-6876 of Verisec

  • read README file
  • try a commandline that includes the right directory for header and files:
  -cpp-command "gcc -C -E -Ilib" lib/stubs.c
  -slevel 100 -val
  • Find a problem:
accessing uninitialized l-value answer[end]:…
  • Notice that the benchmark uses “uninitialized” for “unknown” which is not compatible with value analysis:
  /* Input magically appears */
  answer[ANSWERSIZE-1] = EOS;

Change to:

  /* Input magically appears */

  /* In Frama-C you have to make it appear.
     uninitialized is not allowed */
  for (int i=0; i<ANSWERSIZE-1; i++)
    answer[i]=Frama_C_interval(0, 255);

  answer[ANSWERSIZE-1] = EOS;
  • Do not forget to add ”…/share/builtin.c” to commandline since we are using Frama_C_interval() now.
en/instructions_loop_bad.txt · Last modified: 2010/07/06 17:33 by pascal.cuoq
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