2008 Formosan Summer School on Logic, Language, and Computation (FLOLAC '08)
2011-04-28T06:18:20+08:002008 Formosan Summer School on Logic, Language, and Computation (FLOLAC '08)
http://flolac.iis.sinica.edu.tw/flolac08/lib/images/favicon.icotext/html2009-05-16T13:15:53+08:00Tyng-Ruey Chuangen
[To the Chinese homepage]
Welcome to the draft homepage of 2008 Formosan Summer School on Logic, Language, and Computation (2008 邏輯、語言與計算暑期研習營).
* Handouts for Semantics of Functional Programming Languages are now online.
* [2008/06/15] Slides for Introduction to Functional Programming and the Hindley-Milner Type System are now online.
* [2008/06/11] Course materials for Logic, Program Construction, Partial Evaluation, and Interpreting Types as Abstract Value…text/html2008-07-13T17:57:58+08:00Max Schaeferlogic
Instructor: Max Schaefer
This lecture aims to provide students with the logical background knowledge needed to understand and appreciate the other lectures.
* Classical logic (propositional, first order) and its semantics
* Intuitionistic logic (propositional, first order), natural deduction, basic proof theory
* The Curry-Howard isomorphismtext/html2008-07-12T08:23:41+08:00Shin-Cheng Mustart
[To the English homepage]
暨「高等程式語言與型態系統」 (Advanced Programming Languages and Type Systems) 暑期課程碩士學分班。
* [2008/07/11] FLOLAC 2008 結束!
* [2008/07/10] 07/04,07, 07/08,09 照片上網。
* [2008/07/04] 函數式程式語言的語意講義更新;投影片、習題上網。
* [2008/07/04] 06/30, 07/01, 07/02, 07/03 照片上網。
* [2008/06/30] Oleg Kiselyov 7/11 特別演講 Clicking on Delimited Continuations 詳情公佈。
* [2008/06/30] 程式語言同好社群嵐達網啟用。歡迎學員註冊帳號,在這邊討論相關話題。
* [2008/06/30] 研習營第一天正式開始!
* [2008/06/24] 函數式程式語言的語意講義上網。
* [2008/06/15] 函數式程式設計與型態推演…text/html2008-07-11T09:51:37+08:00Shin-Cheng Mufp
Lecturer: 陳恭 Kung Chen
* Slides, patch slides 1 (eta conversion), and patch slides 2 (LC evaluator).
* Through out the course we will be mostly using Hugs, a popular Haskell interepreter.
* Windows users may download WinHugs Sep 2006 (14MB self extracting .EXE), a windows implementation with a graphical interface.
* Unix and Mac OS X users please visit the Hugs homepage to download Hugs for these platforms.
* Windows Vista users: seems that you have to expand the self extracti…text/html2008-07-10T22:18:49+08:00Shin-Cheng Muderivation
Lecturer: 穆信成 Shin-Cheng Mu
Bird-Meertens style functional program derivation.
* Handouts.
* Slides.
* Assignment #1, with solutions to in-class exercises, and full solutions.
* Assignment #2, with solutions to in-class exercises, and full solutions.
* Exercise for Day 3.
* Supplementary Haskell code.text/html2008-07-08T15:22:37+08:00Tyng-Ruey Chuangsemantics
Lecturer: Tyng-Ruey Chuang 莊庭瑞
The purpose of this course is to equip students with basic knowledge of denotational semantics of functional programming languages.
* A functional programming language.
* Complete partial orders, continuous functions, fixed points.
* Denotational semantics of recursive programs.
* Proving properties of functional programs.